Replacing Locks
One of the primary functions of your home or office door is to keep you and your belongings safe. But for that to happen, the door should have a well-securing lock, and you must have full control of all the keys that can open it. Secure your home or office by replacing locks.
Maintaining control of the keys is critical because it ensures that only authorized personnel can access the property. Hence, if the keys to your Indianapolis home or office get lost, or you are worried that they might be in the wrong hands, it is wise to consider changing the locks to your doors. By so doing, you will not only regain absolute control but also lock out any unwanted intruders.

6 Reason to Change the Locks on Your Indianapolis Property
Lost Keys

One of the obvious reasons why you should replace your lock is if you or another key holder misplaces your key. Most owners, when faced with such a situation, opt to duplicate an original copy. Doing so is unwise, as you still do not know where the missing one is. It could be indeed lost or in the hands of a malicious person. Therefore, when you or someone you entrusted with the key cannot trace or account for it, the prudent solution is to change your locks. After all, even if the keys got lost, how certain can you be, that someone will not find them and seek unfettered entry into your property.
When Moving to a Previously Occupied Property
When you relocate to an earlier rented home or office, it is advisable to change all the locks. Even if the landlord has handed over to you the keys to every lock, there’s a chance they may have a copy. Besides, it’s hard to tell if the previous tenant might have lost one or more keys in the past, or whether they entrusted the copies to someone else. The worst thing you can do is to be naïve and hope that the set you have is the only existing one.
Moving Into a New, Never Occupied, Property
When moving into a new rented home or office, the last thing on a person’s mind is changing the locks. After all, they are the first residents on the property. Making such an assumption is not only disastrous, but can leave your home vulnerable to an uninvited guest.
Just because you are the first person to move into the property, it doesn’t mean you are the first one to be on it. Many people had unsupervised access to the premises before you. These include the construction crew, repair and maintenance contractors, as well as prospecting buyers or renters. You, therefore, should replace all the keys as soon as you move into the premise.
After a Divorce, Separation or Breakup
Many people in a relationship whether romantic or a live-in arrangement with a roommate, often have separate keys to ease movement into and out of the property. However, for one reason or the other, the relationship can come to an end.
When such a separation occurs, it is wise for the person remaining in the home to replace all the locks, so as to maintain absolute control of the premises. Many fail to change the locks perhaps out of guilt or fear of what the other party might say. Even so, allowing that person to continue having free access to your premises can prove to be problematic.
When a Business Partner or Employee Leaves
It is not unusual for businesses to entrust a set of keys to their employees. These relationships, however, are not permanent. When the partnership undergoes dissolution or an employee exits from your company, you need to rekey or replace all your locks. Even if the person surrenders the set that you gave them, just go ahead and change the locks. After all, it is hard to tell if they had made extra copies.
If You Don’t Get the Keys Back Within a Reasonable Time from the Repairmen
At times you might leave the keys to your Indianapolis home with repair and maintenance workers to access the premises. If the contractor takes too long before returning the bunch, or if they return to you the set, with some keys missing, you should, as a priority, replace the locks, as you might not know the rationale behind the missing key.