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Why It’s Crucial to Change Your Locks When Moving Home

This post was kindly written for us by our friends over at Bellhops Moving.

There are so many different things that you need to think about when you move to a new home. You’ve got to make sure that all your boxes are safely packed, that you’ve told the gas and electricity companies that you’re moving, and that you’ve paid the right price for your new abode. There’s so much to think about in fact, that it can be easy to overlook one of the most important things about preparing your house for a move – security.

Working with a residential locksmith to quickly and effectively change the locks in your new home is crucial when it comes to making sure that your house is safe for you and your family. After all, you want to make sure that you’re moving into a property with absolute peace of mind.  Here are just some of the reasons why you should always change the locks in a new house.

1. You’ll Be the Only Person with Keys

When it comes to making sure that you’re prepared for a quick and easy move, there are few things more important than ensuring your home is safe. While it’s very unlikely that someone will come back to your house and try to break in with their own set of keys while you’re at work, you never know who your house’s previous owner gave their keys too.

Changing your locks is the only way to know for sure that you’re the only person with keys to your home. After all, while the law indicates that all keys should be handed over at point of sale, it’s easy to forget about where you’ve left spare keys.

2. You Can Improve Security

There’s nothing quite as relaxing as knowing that you have a home that’s completely safe and secure. If you’re moving into a property that’s been around for a few years, however, there’s a good chance that your existing locks are a little old and outdated. In recent years, we’ve seen a huge number of upgrades in the security available to help you protect your home.

Even if you’ve carefully chosen the safest neighborhood in Indianapolis, there’s always a risk that a thief or burglar could strike your home. Improving your security with a new set of locks is a great opportunity to make sure you have the best security on the market.

3. Better Peace of Mind

Finally, a great advantage of installing new locks for your home is the peace of mind that you get when you move in with your family. While there are plenty of things that can help to make your new home more appealing, there’s nothing quite like working with a professional locksmith to make sure that your sanctuary is protected.

When you move to your new home, make sure that you don’t underestimate the importance of changing your locks and investing in the best security possible. You’ll rest easier knowing your belongings and your family are both protected.

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